Red Animator Void.
the red animator void, was made 8 billion years ago,
the red animator void, gives you seizures and makes you blind,
also, this is where all the toxic people go,
and, this is also hell,
you are trapped here, for eternity, if you cause toxicity to the internet,
and, this is where the 5 year old fart babies go,
all of the evil entities are trapped here,
someone by the name of cool laid, managed to get out of the red animator void,
how was it made you say?
well in 1906, it was made by a evil red virus, that would spread to other void realms.
in 1959, someone witness a guy with a mustache, and then, he shattered the barrier of the red animator void.
and then, it spread evil entities, to other realms.
in the 1970s, it was the worst time, because the evil enities cause harm to other realms, which killed more then 1,999 realms,
the present year, nothing else happend at that time.